Serve in Poland



Plan for 1-2 days on either side for exploring

Serve local campers and leaders by joining the Summer Crew team with others from Poland and surrounding countries. You’ll interact with campers by running activities, practicing English conversation, leading workshops and more.

This camp week is open to individuals (18+ yrs), and teams to serve on Summer Crew.

If you are an individual, church or team leader interested in serving on Summer Crew, please inquire below

young life camp- july tbd, 2025

​ wyldlife Camp- July tbd, 2025

Plan for 1-2 days on either side for exploring

Serve local campers and leaders by joining the Summer Crew team with others from Poland and surrounding countries. You’ll interact with campers by running activities, practicing English conversation, leading workshops and more.

This camp week is open to individuals (18+ yrs), and teams to serve on Summer Crew.

If you are an individual, church or team leader interested in serving on Summer Crew, please inquire below

Why:​ By serving on Summer Crew, you will build friendships with people from Young Life Poland and other European staff and leaders. We hope that you’ll grow in your faith with daily devotionals and worship, learn about the culture and customs of the country and see God work in the hearts of kids.

Logistics:​ Fly into the capital city of Warsaw or possibly Poznań (limited flights). Young Life Camp will take place in Ślesin and WyldLife in Karpicko, both very beautiful little town.

Costs:​ If coming from the US, costs are approximately $600-850 + Flight. Includes camp accommodations, meals, transportation, camp fees and local housing and exploring. If coming from the European Division, please speak with your local staff person about serving on Summer Crew.


1. What about COVID?

All camps will be monitored for COVID and will abide by any restrictions enforced by the country regarding testing and vaccination status. Each YL camp week and property has a COVID protocols and procedures in place. Please be aware that any restrictions/requirements now may be completely different that the week of camp.

2. Is this experience tax-deductible?

This is a missions-service experience. You will be able to fundraise your costs with direction from your team leader. All donations will be tax-deductible.

3. When do I need to be there?

Arrival and departure information could vary depending on you or your team’s itinerary.

4. Is Poland safe in regards to the conflict in Ukraine?

Yes! Although Ukraine seems very close, and tensions are higher now than ever before, the reality is that it is very much still safe across Europe, even in bordering countries. Much of our staff has been an essential part in supporting our Young Life Ukraine team all around Europe and we hope to organize weekend camps for kids who have been displaced in our region this summer. As with all previous years of international travel , our camp teams are registered with their embassies in each country we're in so that we can get general updates, alerts and instructions in the event of a situation.

5. What will a typical day look like?

Are camps around the region are similar to Young Life or WyldLife Camps around the world, however could look completely different. A typical daily schedule could look like this:

- Morning meetings and small group devotionals for team

- Breakfast

- Workshops (led by summer crew)

- Morning Games

- Lunch

- Afternoon Free-time and Cabin Activities

- Dinner

- Club

- Evening Events.