Summer Intern Program
The camp intern program is an intense cultural and service-missions experience in Young Life. Interns will play a vital role in our summer camping ministry and are committed to Christ first and foremost. You will join Assigned Teams and the work crew/summer staff to serve Christ, campers and leaders, and each other. Camp Interns will also have the opportunity to grow as leaders in ministry, build support networks, develop Christ-like relationships, and enjoy the beauty and adventure of Central and Eastern Europe.
Summer Intern Program
The camp intern program is an intense cultural and service-missions experience in Young Life. Interns will play a vital role in our summer camping ministry and are committed to Christ first and foremost. You will join Assigned Teams and the work crew/summer staff to serve Christ, campers and leaders, and each other. Camp Interns will also have the opportunity to grow as leaders in ministry, build support networks, develop Christ-like relationships, and enjoy the beauty and adventure of Central and Eastern Europe.
South CEE Regional Camp Intern Team
June 21-July 31 OR August 5, 2022
Intern orientation and packing the COW (Camp On Wheels)
Romania Young Life Camp
Albania Young Life Camp
Skopje, N. Macedonia WyldLife camp
Rest Days
Post-camp unpacking and inventory of COW
Wrap-up, evaluation and retreat
North CEE Regional Camp Intern Team
July 13- August 29, 2022
Intern orientation and packing the COW (Camp On Wheels)
Turnov WyldLife City Camp
Budapest, Hungary WyldLife City Camp
Intern Retreat
Poland Young Life Camp
Post-camp unpacking and inventory of COW
Wrap-up and Evaluation
Basic Itinerary: we will spend our camp weeks at various rented camp properties around Central and Eastern Europe with travel in between each camp. There will be days of rest and opportunities to explore nearby cities.
DATES: Because of the unpredictable nature of the past year, we know time is running out to recruit people and raise support for this leadership/discipleship missions intern program. Through conversation and interview, we're able to discuss scholarships and alternative dates for those interested in applying.
South Region Camp Intern Team
South Team Session: July 1st- August 1st
- Intro/Orientation
- N.Macedonia YL Camp
- Albania YL Camp
- Romania YL Camp
- Inventory
- Retreat/Eval
Individual Single Weeks:
These are one week camp weeks intern experience. There is a possibility of adding camp weeks from outside the Central and Eastern Europe Region to your itinerary.
- Hungary WyldLife Camp: 14-18, July
- Bulgaria Young Life Camp: August 1-10, 2025
- Ukraine Camp in Czech: TBD- August
- Czech Young Life Camp: August 9-16, 2025
South Region Camp Intern Team
South Team Session: July 1st - August 1st, 2025
- Intro/Orientation
- N.Macedonia YL Camp
- Albania YL Camp
- Romania YL Camp
- Inventory
- Retreat/Eval
Individual Single Weeks:
These are one week camp weeks intern experience. There is a possibility of adding camp weeks from outside the Central and Eastern Europe Region to your itinerary.
- Hungary WyldLife Camp: 14-18 July
- Bulgaria Young Life Camp: August 1-10, 2025
- Ukraine Camp in Czech: TBD- August
- Czech Young Life Camp: August 9-16, 2025
The following positions make up the Camp Intern Team for Central & Eastern Europe Young Life. We ask that applicants are one year out of high school and possess an active faith and interest in leadership and serving. Please see the FAQs for more details on the intern program.
Office/Retail Intern: work with a team on logistics, housing, leader care, budget management, camp store, office maintenance. Assist in creative projects like decor for theme nights and games. Must be skilled in administrative and office organization as well as enjoy hospitality. Must have ability to use google spreadsheets and bring a laptop.
Tech Intern: club sound tech, manage sound for outdoor games, evening program and activities, work with summer staff people on meals and club, manage sound equipment and inventory for each camp. Must have experience in sound and electronic technology and possess calmness in high chaotic or stress environments.
Video Intern: video and photo taking, daily camp videos, program videos. May also included managing summer staff and creating video promotional projects. Must have experience in video editing (training available) and have appropriate camera and editing equipment.
Property Intern: daily activity prep, supplies maintenance, housing, rides/workshops management, work alongside other interns, summer staff bosses and program directors. Must be highly organized using google docs and spreadsheets with the ability to create systems and have a knowledge of Young Life. Must be personable with and enjoy a customer service mentality.
Program/Water Intern: Serves specifically in clubs, games and events, works alongside the property intern. Especially on water-based properties, intern organizes water games and equipment, oversee pool/lake/beach areas.

Our internships operate like missions opportunities with emphasis on discipleship and leadership within an international culture and youth ministry context.
Costs vary depending on which team you are serving on, how far you are coming from and flight costs. For applicants coming from the US, costs can be $1500 (3-4 week session) to $1800 (5-6 week session). If you applying from Europe, please contact us for details or speak with your local Area Director on costs.
You will be coached on how to build a team of personal supporters that will fund your international travel costs, camp fees, team retreats or activities in between camps and any housing or transportation costs.
More Details and FAQs
- What are the requirements for applying to be an intern?
To get the most out of the intern program, it is important for interns to be currently active as a ministry leader in Young Life, church or other Christian ministry; to have a past experience serving on Summer Staff or Work Crew at a YL camp week; completed at least 1 year of university or will be at least 19 years of age; be financially responsible for the costs of the intern program. If you are missing one of these requirement please let us know in your application and we are happy to discuss it.
- How does the fundraising work? Will I get paid?
This is a Missions-Leadership Intern experience. If you are thinking of career ministry, especially internationally, you will get the full experience of doing missions beyond a one-week trip. You will get a fundraising coach and learn about the joy and spiritual strategy of fundraising to be a short or long-term missionary. You'll also get a personal fundraising page (similar to GoFundMe) where you can invite people to see what you are doing and support you. Like many internships around the world with Young Life, this is not a paid program as that will require special visas and a full HR hiring process.
- Is it safe in regards to the Ukraine Conflict?
Yes! Although Ukraine seems very close, and tensions are higher now than ever before, the reality is that it is very much still safe across Europe, even in bordering countries. Much of our staff has been an essential part in supporting our Young Life Ukraine team all around Europe and we hope to organize weekend camps for kids who have been displaced in our region this summer. As with all previous years of international travel , our intern teams are registered with their embassies in each country we're in so that we can get general updates, alerts and instructions in the event of a situation.
- What is the COVID/vaccine policy for this intern program?
All camps will be monitored for COVID and will abide by any restrictions enforced by the country regarding testing and vaccination status. Each YL camp week and property has a COVID protocols and procedures in place. Because of the complexity of crossing borders via land and air, differing restrictions per country and unpredictability of the situation, we are asking that all participants be vaccinated/boosted prior to arrival. We are very sorry if this excludes you this year!
- Can I get college credit for my intern experience?
College credit would depend on the college, but likely no. However, we've previously written reference letters and have outlined responsibilities in detail for interns to submit school internship/practicum credits.
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